罗马皇子罗慕路斯(托马斯·桑斯特 Thomas Sangster 饰)的父亲奥列斯特斯(伊恩·格雷 Iain Glen 饰)被叛军杀死,而罗慕路斯则被敌人软禁在卡普里岛之上。临死前,奥列斯特斯将后事托付给将军奥勒留(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰),叮嘱他一定要救出儿子,让罗马帝国的王位回归本宗。   对皇帝忠心耿耿的奥勒留联手埃塞俄比亚人巴蒂亚图斯(侬索·阿诺斯 Nonso Anozie 饰)和安布罗斯纽斯(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰),组成了一只远征的敢死队。之后,骁勇善战的女战士玛利亚(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai 饰)亦加入其中,一行人向卡普里岛进发。在卡普里岛,罗慕路斯和他的导师也在为了生存而寻找着最后一丝希望。Circa 460 A.D. Mira was born in a warrior-family in Kerala, India, was well versed in martial arts and self-defense, so much so that she was recruited by the Spanish royalty and re-located to Constantinople. From there she was instructed to assist Roman Commander Aurelius to plan the escape of 12-year old Romulus Augustus Caesar from a prison in Capri after his parents had been killed by the leader of the Alliance in turmoil-stricken Rome that has seen the deaths of five emperors in five years. Mira, Aurelius, and a Priest, Ambrosinius, along with a handful of loyal soldiers were successful in the escape plan and deliver Romulus to Roman Senator Nestor. What the crew do not realize is that their task is not over yet, for Nestor is all set to betray Romulus, leaving them with no alternative but to flee to Britannia, where they will be forced to confront a seemingly invincible Vortygn, whose main aim is to obtain a powerful sword that was meant for defense and defeat, and also ensure the death of Romulus at any and all costs.
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