
原名:周處除三害   又名:The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon

状态:11668播放   更新:2024-05-03 01:05:34

通缉犯陈桂林(阮经天 饰)生命将尽,却发现自己在通缉榜上只排名第三,他决心查出前两名通缉犯的下落,并将他们一一除掉。陈桂林以为自己已成为当代的周处除三害,却没想到永远参不透的贪嗔痴,才是人生终要面对的罪与罚。   影片引用的“周处除三害”典故,见于《晋书·周处传》和《世说新语》。据记载,少年周处身形魁梧,武力高强,却横行乡里,为邻人所厌。后周处只身斩杀猛虎孽蛟,他自己也浪子回头、改邪归正,至此三害皆除。Insatiable greed, hatred and delusion are the crimes and punishments that life will eventually face. Who's playing who? Nobody knows. The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon, a traditional Chinese tale which can reflect the situation of Chen Kui-Lin, the main role of this movie.
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