
原名:古惑天堂   又名:Gu huo tian tang / Made in Heaven

状态:29播放   更新:2023-06-03 06:06:50

Lily(Ada)因曾当小偷,死后来到人间法庭,被罚来世作狗,为人看守财物,幸得法援律师为她求情,法官乃念他心地善良,所以重轻发落,后来改判她下一世为一靓女,但一遇上爱情,就极为痛苦。   但审判期间,她依然贼性未改,临走又偷了一副可以预知未来的天庭眼镜。她渐渐长大并预言她父亲会死于一场车祸,她的家人认为她是不祥之人,自此将她赶出家门。   Lily在孤儿院长大并在一间餐厅做女侍应,她在那里遇见了阿伦(陈浩民)。伦向她求婚,她开心的答应。谁知伦竟是一骗子,他打算将Lily卖到妓院……Ada Choi is a reincarnated thief who was previously male - but in his new life he looks like Ada Choi. Ada has the ability to see bad things in the future, which is great because she becomes an insurance salesperson. Great for her clients, that is. Her 100% payout rate bankrupts the company, and from them on her new powers continue to bring her trouble. Michael Tong turns up as a triad boss/love interest, while Pang Dan shows up as the jealous moll. Sadly, Ada has been cursed by Heaven to be loveless, which means that she'll have major problems if she falls in love.
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