
原名:女囚と共に   又名:

状态:20播放   更新:2023-06-03 06:06:12

他の娘と結婚した無情な男の新居に放火した女、前科11犯の窃盗犯、年若い夫を殺して乳幼児を抱えた女など、女子刑務所囚人たちの様々な生態を描き、その矯正補導を主題とした異色の社会派ドラマ。木暮・久我・岡田・香川らが女囚人を好演。The woman-only prison has a cast all with a story of their own and with no dull or routine day. There is an employee who is divorced after her husband had an affair. She loves the jailed criminals and almost sees them as family. One day at a workshop someone faints while working hard to make money because she has a poor boyfriend. Another inmate is knocked up Another is a mother and has her child with her.
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