
原名:トクソウ   又名:

状态:78播放   更新:2023-08-21 02:08:04

隶属检察院的搜查机关特别搜查部,在司法界拥有至高无上的权力和威信,他们可以对任何涉嫌经济犯罪的政治家及相关企业展开搜查,俨然是常人无法轻易染指的司法圣地。这一天,千叶县地方检察官志田俊哉(吉冈秀隆 饰)作为支援人员调任东京地检特搜部,并被分配到特殊直告班副部长鬼冢刚(三浦友和 饰)的麾下。在此之前,特搜部针与政治家有行贿嫌疑的大日本建设进行了彻底搜查。鬼冢作风强悍,令行禁止,其属下乐得按照他的指示执行任务。但是织田因为曾经的往事,不愿意在证据尚不明朗的情况下随意传唤相关证人。他不顾事务官高桥(深水元基 饰)的规劝,执意按照自己的方式调查大日本建设和县知事交易的内幕。风暴愈演愈烈,鬼冢和织田以不同的方式朝向黑幕的中心奔袭……   本片根据由良秀之的原作《司法記者》改编。Special prosecutors are called the most powerful investigating authority. Oda Toshiya has transferred over from the Chiba Public Prosecutors Office and is quickly assigned to the team led by Onizuka Tsuyoshi, the deputy of the Special Investigation Department. Onizuka's elite unit has set to work on a bribery case involving Dainippon Construction, a major construction company which was responsible for the construction of a dam, and a prefectural governor. Oda has misgivings about Onizuka's investigation and embarks on his own search. He finally arrives at a subcontractor but .
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