美国青春剧《青春密语》凭借“秘密生活”以及“青少年怀孕”两个热门单词,以一个15岁的未成年少女Amy意外怀孕为中心,探讨当代美国青少年的性观念,剧中涉及到早孕、偷情、一夜情、儿童性犯罪等禁忌话题。首播时便获得了280万的收视,美国任何一家电视台任何一部戏的首播都不曾有过的成绩。片中有曾经出演过电影《早餐俱乐部》的莫利·林沃德,扮演其女儿的是客串演出过《橘子郡男孩》的谢琳·伍德蕾。这部电视剧让人一下子就想到了之前颇受好评的电影《朱诺》,一个十几岁的女孩子意外怀孕,而这对于她的生活和周围的一切都带来了不小的影响。Adrian tells Ben that she's not pregnant, much to his relief, but he questions whether she's telling the truth. Unbeknownst to Anne, George takes Ashley to the doctor to discuss birth control options. Jack's parents are moving out of town for a new job and give him the option to stay with a friend while he finishes school. Amy is confused about why Ben is avoiding her after he professed his love to her, and Ricky takes an interest in Ashley.
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