
未知 日本  2018  未知

原名:どこにもない国   又名:无地之国

状态:2集全   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:12

二战结束后,在旧满洲留下了超过150万的日本人为了实现回国而舍身奔走的男人们。为了使被国家抛弃的同胞回到故乡拼上性命的战斗,以及支持他的妻子们的爱。在被复杂奇怪的国际形势玩弄的同时,又被称作奇迹的撤回,到底是如何实现的呢?中国外景拍摄也掺杂埋没在历史的阴影中的战后秘话,以雄壮的比例电视剧化。by:m.yakubd.ccIt is August 1945 in Manchuria, Maruyama Kunio is robbed of everything he has by the invading Soviet Occupation troops. Faced with the realities of Japan's war defeat, he is at a loss for how to protect his wife Mariko and their children. Looting and seizure of assets become routine. Many Japanese civilians are attacked in the course of fleeing. This is compounded by the lack of nutrition and spread of contagious diseases which leads to a wave of deaths. And so, 1.5 million Japanese in Manchuria lose their lives. Maruyama decides to appeal to his homeland to repatriate them to Japan. Together with Shinbo Yachiro and Muto Masamichi, he works out a plan to escape Manchuria. A dream team is born - Shinbo, the president of a construction company is wealthy and has nerves of steel; Muto is proficient in Chinese and privy to the situation on the ground; Maruyama is strong in English and has a firm conviction. Mariko supports Maruyama's decision but Shinbo's wife Matsu is anxious about their daredevil plan. Leaving their families behind, the three men finally begin their escape. Will they be able to overcome numerous perilous situations and find their way to Japan?
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