
原名:东北大哥   又名:Gangland

状态:14播放   更新:2023-08-21 12:08:08

《东北大哥》讲述的是东北某小城两个黑社会底层人员虫二和三元的故事,他们以前在这里跟着老大们混的还算风光,靠面子混生活,但他们现在的日子大不如前了,只能帮大哥收收账。面对未来,他们很迷茫,既怀念威风的过去,又要面对现实生活。他们像许多小城市的青年人一样,有梦想,也有无奈,既要按社会的规矩跟随大哥,又要面对自己的家人和朋友,更重要的是,面对变化的中社会,他们无所适从,在道义和利益中,摇摆不定。Chong er and San yuan, who are gangsters, lived in a small city northeast of China. They felt lost and confused about the future. San worked at a factory. He and Chong helped Qi ge, the gang leader, to collect debt. Chong despised his vocation and wanted to become a cross talk actor. Lei fu, an entrepreneur, looked down upon Qi. Qi did nothing considered the scale and influence of Lei's company. Lei's project failed thanks to San. He was furious. The dispute was ended through the mediation of his old friends. San was beaten, and his hatred grew deeper. Chong's life was not as good as expected. The money he saved for learning cross talk was not in use. Qi finally got a chance to defeat Lei. However, there was no real winner in this battle. Lei's company went bankrupt. San kept on living an aimless life, while Chong left the small city and kept on pursuing his cross talk dream.
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