
原名:Les Distàncies   又名:异乡真心话(台) / Distances

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 07:01:58

奥利维亚,埃洛伊,吉尔和安娜决定周末一起前往柏林,准备给他们共同的朋友Comas一个惊喜,为他庆祝35岁生日。然而,Comas没有像预期的那样欢迎他们的到来。就在这个短短的周末,他们之间深藏的矛盾逐渐浮出水面,多年的友谊也受到了考验。他们慢慢发现时间和距离真的可以改变一切……Four old friends from the university times travel from Barcelona to Berlin to meet Álex Comas, the other friend of the bunch who moved Germany years ago. They are Olivia, a woman pregnant of seven months of her first baby; Guille and Anna, a longtime couple with problems after she was fired and doesn't find a new job; and the naive Eloi, who despite to have work moved to his parents' house after to lose his own by the debts. Arriving the Friday to spend three days remembering old times in order to celebrate with Comas during a full weekend his 35th birthday that it will be the Sunday, the own Comas is surprised by the unexpected visit of the group, but soon the things complicate between them: in their first talks emerge contradictions and conflicts by their different lives and personal situations, and at the end of the night a taciturn and depressive Comas, taking advantage a boys date to drink in a night pub with Guille and Eloi, leaves the pub and misses in the city unable to stay ...
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