
原名:恋のしずく   又名:恋爱的水滴 / 日酒生情(台) / For Love’s SAKE / Love's Water Drop

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-20 11:08:42

故事以被称为日本三大铭酿地之一的广岛县西岛市为舞台,讲述了发现日本酒的魅力、在历史悠久的酿酒厂奋斗并遇到初恋的农大学生橘诗织的故事。   诗织梦想着能够在酿酒厂进行研修,选择了广岛县的酒窖作为自己的实习场所。在那边,她遇到了毫无动力的酒窖老板的儿子、卧病在床的酒窖老板、严格的酿酒人、以及既是米农也是酒窖家庭的美咲,开始实习的诗织却总是遇到失败。在这个时候,酒窖老板突然离世,在这个酒窖老铺迎来经营危机时她渐渐对老板的儿子萌生了恋爱感情。Shiori Tachibana is a 21-year-old agriculture student and she has never had a boyfriend. She wants to receive training at a winery, but she is set to receive training at a sake brewery in Hiroshima. There, Shiori meets the owner of the sake brewery, the owner's son, a strict sake technician and a rice farmer named Misaki. The sake brewery's owner is sick and his son doesn't have interest in the sake brewery. Shiori begins her training, but things don't go well. The owner of the sake brewery passes away and the brewery faces a crisis. Shiori also develops feelings for the late owner's son.
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