
原名:App War   又名:爱程攻防战(港) / แอปชนแอป

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 08:01:01

邦(Nat Kitcharit 饰)和珠儿(缇恰·翁迪普卡侬 Ticha Wongthipkanont 饰)都是App创新团队的负责人,一场意外中,他们邂逅了。迅速拉近的距离和内心的悸动带给了邦灵感,令他发明出了一个寻找和自己有着相同爱好的人的 交友App“Inviter”。让邦没有想到的是,没过多久,市面上就出现了另一个差不多的App,而这个App的开发者正是珠儿,这两个人一下子就变为了竞争对手。   App创新团队争霸赛即将拉开序幕,这次各团队要争夺的,是高达1亿泰铢的奖金。在比赛中,邦和珠儿不是冤家不聚头,在剑拔弩张的气氛之中,两人的爱火也在暗处默默的燃烧着。Bomb and June, two app startup founders, are leading each of their teams to get their mobile applications off the ground and running. They meet each other at their favorite hideaway dinner place completely by chance, only to find that they have a lot in common and enjoy very same passions. The night is so inspiring that Bomb and June, individually, create and launch their own applications, "Inviter" and "Amjoin," with the very same idea to "find people in common." But when it comes to business, replicates mean competition. Bomb and June become rivals. The national Startup Thailand league is approaching, and they are struggling to win 100-million Thai baht prize. When the stakes are high, "Inviter" and "Amjoin" end up sending a spy sneaking in to the other team trying to gain the upper hand. But everything has its price to pay, as the plan gets out of control, and the relationship between the two are being jeopardized.
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