
原名:幸せになろうよ   又名:得到幸福吧 / 一定要幸福 / 变得幸福哟

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:25

乐观且积极向上的高仓纯平(香取慎吾 饰) 是婚姻介绍所B-ring的咨询顾问,为了让相爱的人如愿走入婚姻殿堂,他不仅对相关的理论知识进行补充,还学以致用、饱含热情地投入到服务中去。这一天,一位美丽的女子走入事务所。她叫柳泽春菜(黑木明纱 饰),号称是某企业社长的女儿,周身散发着谜一般的气质。与此同时,年收入超过2500万的精英律师矢代英彦(藤木直人 饰)也走入事务所大门,这位钻石王老五同样带着不可轻易为外人道的秘密寻找生命中的另一半。为了这一对可谓天作之合的才子佳人,纯平真实大费周章。   而在这一过程中,纯平的心境也悄悄发生着变化……Takakura Junpei is a successful advisor at a marriage consultation agency that wants to bring people, who are looking for partners, together. Yanagisawa is one of the agency's clients, who is "so beautiful" that the manual he uses doesn't apply to her. Yashiro Hidehiko is a rich and handsome lawyer who is also a client. Takakura starts to fall for Yanagisawa Haruna, but as a professional, he pairs the two together.