剧情年代设在1817年,讲述的是一个教葡萄牙语的英国女人安娜·米尔曼与葡萄牙籍巴西男演员若阿金·马丁之间的爱情故事。他们原本住在欧洲,而后同巴西的未来皇帝唐佩德罗结盟辗转颠簸到巴西。登上船的那一刻起,他们的命运便纠缠一起。尽管他们彼此相爱,却受到一个英国官员的威胁,这名官员想要据安娜为己有。若阿金同一个葡萄牙女演员的假结婚,导致了安娜登上离开巴西的船逃离这场爱恨情仇。本剧也展现了巴西争取独立的抗争。In 1817, Anna Millman, an Englishwoman and Portuguese teacher, becomes involved with the Luso-Brazilian actor Joaquim Martinho, during the trip by ship to Brazil because of the union of Maria Leopoldina, a princess of Austrian origin, with Dom Pedro, emperor Portuguese and first regent of the Brazilian empire. Anna and Joaquim start a romance upon their arrival in the country, which is interrupted by the tricks of Thomas Johnson, an English officer who harbors a desire for Anna.
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