死亡医生玛丽 第二季

原名:Mary Kills People   又名:

状态:2   更新:2023-08-20 08:08:29

Lifetime预订Global的六集安乐死题材的剧集《Mary Kills People》,Caroline Dhavernas担任主演。本剧由Tara meijubar.net Armstrong创作并参与联合制作,讲述了白天担任急诊室医生的单身母亲Mary Harris(Dhavernas 饰),在晚上她兼职成为地下“死亡天使”,帮助重病症末期的病人依照他们的意愿结束他们的生命。长久以来Mary已经能够做到兼职时不被人发现,但是死亡太多,生意越来越红火,他她的双面生活也越来越复杂艰辛。当她的世界开始公诸于世时,她意识到如果她还想干这份工作,就要背水一战。Jay Ryan、 Richard Short、Lyriq Bent、Greg Bryk和Charlotte Sullivan也将参演。It has been eight months since Desmond went to prison to keep Mary out of it. During this time Mary has continued to help the terminally ill people to die. When the episode begins Desmond is released from prison and eager to go back to business . Mary is just returning from Mexico where she has been to buy the drugs she needs to keep killing .
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