
原名:きみが心に棲みついた   又名:You always inhabit my heart

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:48

小川今日子(吉冈里帆 饰)是在内衣公司里工作的白领,因为拥有着超级脆弱的心灵,经常会掉链子的她被赋予了“今心慌子”的外号。曾经,今日子和一位名叫星名(向井理 饰)的男子有过一段恋情,星名表面看来是仪表堂堂人见人爱的大帅哥,可实际上内心非常的阴毒,他常常对今日子提出非分的要求,仗着今日子对他的爱将其随意的驱使控制,导致今日子的内心受到了非常大的伤害。   吉崎幸次郎(桐谷健太 饰)是今日子的大学学长,虽然外表看起来一副拒人于千里之外的冷酷模样,但实际上却是个心思细腻的老好人。就在今日子渐渐被温柔的吉崎治愈的节骨眼上,销声匿迹多时的星名再度回到了今日子的身边。Kyoko Ogawa is a woman in her 20's who works at an underwear company. Because of her mother, Kyoko has suffered from low self-esteem since she was a child. She is also shaken by two men: Kojiro Yoshizaki and Ren Hoshina. Kojiro works as an editor for a manga magazine. He is bright, funny and a nice person. Ren is a guy that Kyoko dated when she attended college. Ren was able to see her weakness and was controlling over her. At her job at the underwear company, Ren appears in front of her as her boss.
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