
未知 日本  2014  未知

原名:株価暴落   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:10

创立迎来五十周年的大型综合连锁店一风堂,表面风光之下不掩颓势,积重难返。早在一年前,一风堂以整顿改革为条件,得到了白水银行的巨额融资。然而时至今日,整顿措施虚与委蛇,未见起色。白水银行审查员板东洋史(织田裕二 饰)坚持终端合作关系,收回资金。而企划部副部长二户哲也(高岛政伸 饰)则出于不可告人的企图,强力推行融资的进行。就在双方僵持不下的时刻,一风堂遭遇爆炸袭击事件,幕后主谋者似乎和该企业裁员政策有着千丝万缕的关系。在采纳了板东的建议后,一风堂公布威胁信,由此导致股价大幅暴跌。固执老辣的一风堂社长风间(龙雷太 饰)、狡猾阴险的二户、被倾轧在最底层的青年犬鸣黄(濑户康史 饰)交替登场,身处漩涡中央的板东迎来严峻的考验……   本片根据池井户润的同名原作改编。Hiroshi Bando works as a credit officer for a large bank. At the bank, opinions are divided over whether an additional loan to a giant supermarket chain should be approved. Hiroshi opposes the loan due to the supermarket's non-existent efforts to restructure. Meanwhile, Vice President of Planning Department, Tetsuya Ninohe, insists on approving the loan. He believes if the supermarket goes bankrupt than it will effect the bank itself. At this time, a store of the giant supermarket chain is blown up. A message from the perpetrator arrives. The bomber demands the resignation of the supermarket CEO, Kozo Kazama. If the demand the bomber's demand is not met, the bomber will carry out more explosions. The supermarket tries to cover up the bomber's demand as they fear the collapse of their company stock.
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