
原名:The Levelling   又名:生活天平

状态:正片   更新:2023-08-20 06:08:09

科洛弗(艾丽·肯德里克 Ellie Kendrick 饰)在很早的时候就离开了家乡自己在外打拼,留下弟弟查理兹和父亲奥伯利(大卫·特洛夫顿 David Troughton 饰)在故乡过着相依为命的生活。查理兹的死讯打破了科洛弗平静的生活,为了处理弟弟的后事,她不得不再度回到了阔别已久的家乡,并且见到了感情早已经十分疏远的父亲。   家乡的一切都已经变得和科洛弗记忆里不一样了,父亲也是一样,苍老的他俨然已经像是一个陌生人了。科洛弗此行的另外一个目的,就是调查查理兹自杀的真相,因为她怎么都不愿意相信,一向乐观开朗的弟弟会选择结束自己的生命。Somerset, October 2014. When Clover Catto (Ellie Kendrick) receives a call telling her that her younger brother Charlie (Joe Blakemore) is dead, she must return to her family farm and face the man she hasn't spoken to in years: her father Aubrey (David Troughton). She is shocked to discover her home changed forever by the devastating floods that destroyed the area six months earlier, and Aubrey a tormented shadow of his former self. As she learns what has been going on in her long absence she and her father forge a new understanding, but can it withstand the troubles that they face on the ravaged farm as well as the truth of what drove Charlie to take his own life?
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