
原名:ジャイブ 海風に吹かれて   又名:

状态:31播放   更新:2023-08-20 05:08:12

東京でIT企業を経営する哲郎は、祖父の法事に出席するため北海道・江差へと帰郷する。共同経営者の裏切りを知ってしまった哲郎は、故郷で20年振りに再会した同級生の由紀と飲みに出かけ、青春時代の思い出を懐かしく語り合う。そこでヨット部だった哲郎は、北海道を無寄港で一周するという無謀な挑戦を思いつく。監督は主にピンク映画界で活躍し、“ピンク四天王”として知られるサトウトシキ。Tetsuro is returning to his seaside hometown from Tokyo for the traditional Buddhist ceremony to mark 49 days since his grandmother died. Here he runs into his old high school sweetheart, Yuki. Their paths have diverged over the years and they haven't each other for quite a while, but they quickly catch up over drinks, reminiscing in particular about their days in the school yacht club. Things escalate and before he knows it Tetsuro has agreed to sail around the entire island of Hokkaido. This endeavor catches the attention of Tetsuro's former classmates, rousing them from their settled lives and forcing Tetsuro to re-evaluate his own priorities.
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