真实的人类 第二季

原名:Humans   又名:异人类(台) / 人芯

状态:第8集   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:26

由出品四届艾美奖最佳影集【广告狂人】、两届艾美奖最佳影集【绝命毒师】、艾美奖四项提名作品【谋杀】和金球奖最佳影集提名及美国最高收视电视作品【行尸走肉】的金奖电视网AMC,与出品BAFTA英国电影和电视艺术学院奖最佳电视影集【乌托邦】、 【小镇疑云】的英国电视4台,跨越国界,双剑合璧,携手联合制作的八集电视影集《真实的人类》将于六月廿八日晚上九时在美国首映。这出全新科幻影集改编自备受评论界激赞的瑞典获奖科幻影集《Real Humans》,并由英国编剧Sam Vincent 和Jonathan Brackley (【反恐谍报战】) 执笔重新创作剧本。该剧设定在机器人Synth被繁忙都市人广泛使用的世界,呈现人类与机器人的界限愈发模糊后,扣人心弦的矛盾冲突、心理冲击与道德拷问。Some months have passed. Niska, in Berlin, has a brief affair with a girl called Astrid before moving on, having sent an email to Global Synthetics boss Milo Khoury. In England. Mia is working in a cafe, restoring its run-down reputation for grateful owner Ed, and a synth names Hester flees from her job in a nuclear plant to meet Leo and Max, who are in hiding. She is pursued by humans claiming her malfunction needs correcting but the trio escape and are joined by Mia, who argues with Leo over his view that sentient synths should not be so high profile. In California Athena Morrow, a pioneer of synth technology, refuses Khoury's offer to join his company and the Hawkins family get a double shock - Joe being sacked and a visit from Niska.
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