
原名:송 환   又名:repatriation

状态:223播放   更新:2023-09-03 05:09:31

冷战时期,一批任务失败的北韩间谍被南韩政府囚禁,身陷囹圄超过30年后,终因两韩关系改善而被释放。   南朝鲜独立电影的领军人物金东园于1992年摄制的纪录片《送还》,是一部讲述北朝鲜人到南方进行情报搜集活动的影片,同时也反映了上世纪40、50年代南朝鲜的监狱状况,以及南朝鲜到北方的探亲活动。该影片在南朝鲜长时间被列入禁片。In the spring of 1992, Kim Dong-won, the film's director, met two long-term political prisoners who were charged with being communist spies from North Korea. During their 30 years in jail, the prisoners never gave up their allegiance to communism and North Korea. When they were finally released from prison, they began living in the Kim's neighborhood, and he became quite close with one of the prisoners, Cho Chang-son. Kim's film documents the former prisoners' return to mainstream Korean society and their campaign for repatriation. On the DVD container, Kim is quoted as saying: "As I met with many others of them, I became interested in these people, who were completely different from what I expected."
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