
原名:月嫂   又名:女人牛丰收

状态:全25集   更新:2024-01-20 08:01:41

已在东北黑土地扎根三十多年的上海知青江茂林(张秋歌 饰),得知母亲丁占菊(奚美娟 饰)病危的消息,和在当地娶的老婆牛丰收(倪萍 饰)匆匆赶回上海尽孝。然而这次行程充满艰辛,母亲自来便对这个东北媳妇颇有成见,假离婚的风波更是激化牛丰收和丈夫、婆婆的矛盾。江茂林的旧恋人白玉莲(叶童 饰)对他念念不忘,心存幻想,这也无形中令丰收颇多忌惮;而茂林弟弟、弟妹的琐事也让这个憨厚的东北女人不胜其扰。   此外,夫妻俩无论从时间和空间上,已与国际大都会有着万里之遥的差距。在这个已然很是陌生的城市里,他们该如何安放自己的人生……The story occurred in Shanghai while successful apply the Expo and everyone prepared for the World Expo. Fengshou Niu, a educated youth from Heilongjiang Provice, followed her husband Maolin Jiang, a educated youth from Shanghai, back to Shanghai to start a new life. Northeast daughter-in-low met Shanghai mother-in-law, Fengshou Niu was strongly opposed, moreover, she failed several jobs in Shanghai, her husband has a childhood sweetheart \"sister\" waiting for the \"brother\". There was a contradiction between these several decades couple. She accidentally has a baby sitter job for her boss who is very disgusted to her, but she found bigger problems.
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