
原名:ぼくのおばあちゃん   又名:My Grandma / 阿嬷的幸福留言

状态:65播放   更新:2023-08-20 04:08:10

住宅展示場に勤務するトップ・セールスマンの智宏は、幼馴染と結婚し子供にも恵まれるが、忙しい日々に追われ、家庭を省みる余裕を失いかけていた。ある日、智弘は家の建替えを考える家族を担当し、幼い頃に自分の面倒を見てくれた祖母の記憶が蘇ってくる。監督は「VERSUS/ヴァーサス」「あずみ」などで知られる俳優の榊英雄。出演は岡本健一、菅井きん、柳葉敏郎ほか。Home-design sales representative Tomohiro lives with his wife and their son. As his job involves houses, it is his motto to take great care of the family who live in the house. However, he has been working so hard that he has forgotten to cherish his own family. When he looks after a client who wants to leave her father-in-law in a nursing home, it reminds him of his grandmother whom he loved so much. Father's death, grandmother's struggle with disease, and home care - those were grueling times, but the memories have become invaluable for Tomohiro. He realizes his family is the most precious thing of all. On a day off, he and his family decide to visit his mother who lives alone in their old hometown.
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