
原名:Une heure de tranquillité   又名:Do not disturb

状态:53播放   更新:2023-08-20 04:08:08

疯狂的爵士迷Michel在跳蚤市场淘到一张梦寐以求的首版老唱片,来自他最心爱的乐手(脚本虚构了一位爵士乐人“Neil Youart”,但专辑“Me Myself and I”却是爵士标准曲)。他美滋滋地抱着唱片回家,计划独自一个人好好享受难得的幸福。谁知,他的情人、老婆、朋友、邻居、佣人、修理工,都像是约好了一样,用无法拒绝的各种烦心事,砸得他焦头烂额。这是导演Leconte 根据大受欢迎的舞台剧改编的,原作者为Florian Zeller。When scanning a flee market, Michel buys an album, very precious to him. He rushes home to listen to it. As soon as he turns it on and settles down, he is disturbed by noise and constant disasters that don't allow him to just enjoy his album in peace.
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