
原名:微微一笑很倾城   又名:微微一笑很倾城电视剧版 / Love O2O / Weiwei's Beautiful Smile / A Smile is Beautiful

状态:全30集   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:16

贝微微是校园里的系花加学霸,而在虚拟的网络世界中,她是侠肝义胆仗剑江湖的红衣女侠“芦苇微微”。在游戏中,贝微微结识了“真水无香”,两人结为侠侣,没想到贝微微却因为不愿以真面目示人而遭到了真水无香的抛弃,在游戏中莫名其妙“被离婚”的贝微微之后又遇见了江湖高手“ 一笑奈何”,两人为了完成游戏任务而走到了一起。   让贝微微没有想到的是,一笑奈何的线下身份,竟然是自己的同校师兄肖奈(杨洋 饰),肖奈是校园中的风云人物,篮球队的主力军,两人的情谊从线上发展到线下,一段跨越了虚拟与现实的感情就此拉开序幕。Also known as Just One Smile is Very Alluring; A Smile is Beautiful; Weiwei's Beautiful Smile. Bei Wei Wei is a beautiful and very smart computer science student who plays a famous chinese online game. After getting dumped by her husband-in-game, she meets the number one player Xiao Nai, alias Yixiao Naihe. As the history unfolds, the couple and their friends go through many adventures together in the game and in real life.
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