
原名:Interiors   又名:内心深处 / 内心世界

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-31 01:01:43

故事发生在纽约长岛,大企业家亚瑟(E.G.马绍尔 E.G. Marshall 饰)和同样事业有成的妻子伊芙(杰拉丹·佩姬 Geraldine Page 饰)就居住在这里,两人膝下有子女三名——蕾娜达(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)、乔伊(玛丽·贝丝·赫特 Mary Beth Hurt 饰)和芙琳(Kristin Griffith 饰)。   身为家中的长女,蕾娜达是一位小有名气的诗人,然而,天性浪漫的她却没能拥有一段幸福的婚姻。次女乔伊嫁给了一名电影导演,虽然心中怀揣着文学梦想,但现实中,她不得不做一个跟在丈夫身后的全职太太。小女儿芙琳渴望成为一名演员,但是现实和理想的差距却让她的心中充满了焦虑。亚瑟和伊芙将三个女儿召回了家中,因为他们要宣布一件非常重要的事情——分居。The story of a very dysfunctional family and what happens when the parents divorce. Eve (Geraldine Page) and Arthur (EG Marshall) are a 60-something couple, recently separated. They have three adult daughters - Renata (Diane Keaton), Joey (Mary Beth Hurt) and Flyn (Kristin Griffith). Renata is a poet and is married to Frederick (Richard Jordan). Joey is (reluctantly) in advertising and is married to Mike (Sam Waterston). Joey is a film and TV actress. Eve is an incredibly negative woman and this has had a toxic effect on her children. This results in stifling, unsupportive relationships and joyless lives.
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