
原名:A Countess from Hong Kong   又名:来自香港的伯爵夫人 / 香港伯爵夫人

状态:蓝光   更新:2024-01-20 05:01:33

马龙·白兰度、索菲亚.罗兰等合演。描述一名美国富豪乘邮轮回美国,途经香港时,一名落魄的白俄女伯爵潜入其房间,意图偷渡美国,结果让富豪发现,二人经谈论之后共随爱河。此为喜剧大师查理.卓别林最后一部作品,亦是他唯一的彩色片,成绩虽然较其代表作失色得多,但仍维持颇高的喜剧效果,而且拍出了一点人情味。可惜男女主角选择不当,趣味性打了折扣。In Hong Kong, the wealthy Ogden Mears is traveling in a transatlantic and is near to be assigned Saudi Arabia Ambassador and is divorcing from his wife Martha. His friend Harvey and he are invited by their old friend Clark to go to a nightclub with three aristocratic Russian refugees on their last night. Ogden drinks too much and spends the night with Countess Natascha. On the next morning, while sailing back home, Ogdeb finds Natascha hidden in his cabin wearing a ball gown and with no documents. The stowaway explains that she wants to go to the United States and Ogden is worried with his career. But Harvey convinces him to help Natascha. Ogden falls in love with Natascha and together with Harvey, they plot a fake marriage of Natascha with his valet Hudson. But things get complicated when immigration requests her documents and Martha arrives on board.
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