
原名:   又名:远远望着你 / Usotsuki Paradox / You Can Never Be Mine

状态:正片   更新:2023-08-25 03:08:21

八日堂是个普通的上班族,他喜欢上了公司的女同事栖祐,但栖祐却有一个远距离恋爱中的男朋友。因缘际会之下,两人发现了彼此互有 好感的事实,并进而发展出名不符实的友谊关系。想拉近彼此关系却又踌躇不前的八日堂,深受八日堂吸引却又无法背叛男友的栖祐,两人人的心意越是真挚,就越 是沉溺於虚伪的谎言之中,原本以为随时都能终止的恋情,却早已在不知不觉间深陷其中,无法自拔。Shunsuke has fallen for his colleague Hinako, but she is engaged albeit in a long-distance relationship. She and her boyfriend meet on the odd weekends. She feels lonely at times. When one evening they are both working late and still in the office Shunsuke throws caution to the win, reveals his feelings, makes a pass and plants a kiss on Hinako. Things should make their natural progression from there if nature takes its course, but then again they chart a different course.
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