
原名:LADY〜最後の犯罪プロファイル〜   又名:LADY 最后的犯罪画像 / Lady: Saigo no hanzai purofairu / LADY~最後のプロファイリング~

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:33

从细微处着手,哪怕只有蛛丝马迹,也能顺藤摸瓜找到真正地凶手,这就是强大的犯罪行动分析室(CPS)。这是警视厅搜查一课新设立的部门。部门囊括了多名优秀人员。其中有从美国FBI特工学院毕业的新晋犯罪画像员香月翔子(北川景子 饰),她尤其喜爱和擅长揣摩犯罪分子的心理,拥有天马行空的想象力;CPS的组长结成晶(木村多江 饰)则是进行总的规划和掌控,是团队绝对的核心;拥有2个博士学位的新堀圭祐(平冈佑太 饰),利用统计分析方法,发觉犯罪嫌疑人的藏身之处,视翔子为竞争对手。除此之外,这个团队还包括了法医、IT、课长等人。   强大的团队让看似完美不留痕迹的犯罪变得漏洞百出。不是传统的只停留在表面的探案方法,而是挖掘犯罪背后的原因,犯罪心理分析官们带来一出出精彩的探案过程。Rookie investigator Shoko Kazuki has just returned from the U.S. after being trained by the FBI in the art of criminal profiling. Recruited by a newly-formed Crime Profiling Support unit (CPS) within the Metropolitan Police Department, Shoko gets to work cracking the department's most frustrating cases which offer only scanty clues and no apparent motives. Still, she must apply all the behavioral and analytical tools of her trade to painstakingly build the criminal profiles that will lead her and her team on the right trail. A realistic depiction of the profiling process and forensic analysis, LADY exposes the sinister underbelly of society and sheds light on the murky landscape of the criminal mind.