曾经在美国空军服役、获得航天工程学学位的查尔斯•法默(比利•鲍伯•松顿 Billy Bob Thornton 饰)本来有希望成为美国宇航员,但当年突发变故令他没能实现儿时就立下的航天梦想。退役后的法默闭门建造自己的火箭,要全凭一己之力飞向太空。穿着宇航服出门的法默早已是镇上的名人,但没人相信他能够成功,同时银行方面因他无力偿还贷款,频繁的以罚没他的房产与土地相威胁。法默造火箭引起了FBI的注意并被禁止继续建造,法默则联系了媒体为自己造势,希望突破政府的阻拦。法默的计划始终得到妻子以及一子两女、老岳父的支持,一家人和几个好友给予了他各方面的帮助,终于,法默不顾政府威胁,摁下了火箭发射的按钮……Texan Charles Farmer left the Air Force as a young man to save the family ranch when his dad died. Like most American ranchers, he owes his bank. Unlike most, he's an astrophysicist with a rocket in his barn - one he's built and wants to take into space. It's his dream. The FBI puts him under surveillance when he tries to buy rocket fuel; the FAA stalls him when he files a flight plan - it's post-9/11, after all. His wife is angry when she finds out their bank is initiating foreclosure. Charlie fears failure and decides, precipitously, to launch. Are twenty-first century American dreams just a sign of insanity? Are those who believe in dreamers only fools?
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