
原名:   又名:漂浮

状态:69播放   更新:2024-01-28 01:01:23

亨利·马修斯生来就对R&B有着绝佳的天赋,在他的父亲被征调到阿富汗后,母子俩失去了住所,不得不跟痛恨音乐的祖父生活生活在一起。一次难得的机遇,亨利参加了青少年唱歌比赛,梦想着能够逃离自己破碎的生活。Henry Matthews is an exceptionally talented young R&B singer whose happy family life is disrupted when his father, a marine, is re-deployed to Afghanistan. Despite all the obstacles including losing the family home and being forced to move in with his grandfather who hates his music, Henry is inspired to enter a teen singing competition in the hopes of winning and escaping a world that is falling apart.
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