
原名:   又名:最好的朋友 / Best Friends in the World

状态:29播放   更新:2024-03-02 01:03:29

在一个同事的生日晚宴上,大家都聚在一起聊天,说像弗兰考伊斯那样的人是没有真正的朋友的,说他根本不把所有人当成朋友对待.凯瑟琳也觉得是弗兰考伊斯的性格使他没有朋友,和弗兰考伊斯打赌说他如果在十天之内交不到一个真正的朋友的话,便要将在拍卖会上高价买下的希腊古董花瓶输给她.A weekend in the green with your best friends. Those who really love you. Those in whom you have absolute confidence. Those who understand you and always tell you the truth. And above all, those who rot you without knowing that they pressed the callback key of their phone.
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