1941年,太平洋战争前夕。世界局势动荡不安,新一轮大战一触即发。各国势力汇集魔都上海,暗流涌动,危机四伏。中共通过潜伏在日本高层中的共产党尾崎秀实,得到日军即将发动袭击珍珠港的计划,代号“东风,有雨”。经满铁高官中西正弘(三浦研一 饰)、中共情报人员安明(柳云龙 饰)之手,情报送往重庆,但珍珠港依然遇袭,太平洋战争旋即爆发。 在此之后,日方抓获军统情报人员,并得知尾崎秀实和中共的关系。尾崎遇害,中共情报小组的交通员(王宝强 饰)、报务员(刘璇 饰),安明一组渐渐和组织失去联系。这时,一枚藏有日本政府重大秘密的胶卷辗转来到上海。各方势力为此展开新一轮的明争暗斗……The story of spies working for different countries attempting to decode coded weather forecasts. The coded weather forecasts were intended for Japanese diplomats working overseas and alerting them to an imminent attack. If within the weather forecast a message stated "North Wind, Cloudy" then it meant war with the Soviet Union. If the forecast included the words "West Wind, Clear" then it meant war with the British Empire. If the forecast included the words "East Wind, Rain" then it meant war with the United States.