根据简·奥斯丁同名小说《劝导》改编而成。   沃尔特家的二小姐安妮(Sally Hawkins饰)温柔娴静,知书达理,是一位德才兼备的好姑娘,可年近28的她至今还待字闺中——8年前,安妮和情郎温特沃斯(Rupert Penry-Jones饰)订下婚约,却最终因长辈拉塞尔夫人(Alice Krige饰)的“劝导”而选择和对方分手。虽然安妮旋即萌生悔意,但受了伤的温特沃斯早已远走他乡,杳无音讯。这段往事给安妮心口划上一道永难愈合的口子,此后,她的心扉再未向他人打开。   8年后,温特沃斯衣锦还乡,一举一动都透出绅士魅力,完全不复昔日的穷酸样,已成为富家女竞相追逐的对象,他对安妮的态度冷淡无比;安妮表面虽然镇定自若,在点滴接触中却不自禁地加深了对温特沃斯的无限爱慕之情,深知昔情难追的她也因此在内心深处备受煎熬……Royal Navy captain Wentworth was haughtily turned down eight years ago as suitor of pompous baronet Sir Walter Elliot's daughter Anne, despite true love. Now he visits their former seaside country estate, rented by his brother-in-law, admiral Croft, so the financially stressed baronet can afford a fashionable, cheaper residence in trendy Bath. First the former lovers meet again on the estate, where they feel vibes again, but neither dares admit them until it seems too late. Yet the truth becomes clear, both have moved, but meet again in Bath.
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