
原名:終極一班   又名:

状态:38集全   更新:2024-03-02 01:03:29

看似和普通学校没差的芭乐学院,实则却是卧虎藏龙。它由知名教育家投资建立,又有来自各方有势力的家长赞助。硬件设备可谓齐全和优良。而来这里就读的学生也都是各有各的特长。在看似和乐融融的芭乐校园,却有一个让校长和教导主任头疼的“终极一班”。在终极一班,这里有KO榜排行第三的班级老大汪大东(汪东城 饰)。大东敬畏的东西只有班主任田欣,其余的都不放在眼里。新学期开学,班级转来了二位新转校生王亚瑟(辰亦儒 饰)和丁小雨(炎亚纶 饰)。二人皆是KO榜上响当当的人物,这让班级老大大东的位置受到了威胁,于是一场决斗在三人间展开,不打不相识的三人迅速结为了好友。开始接受来自外在邪恶势力的挑战……   这是“终极系列”故事的第一部。Wang Da Dong (Jiro Wang), a student at Ba Le High School, leads a group of delinquents who possess special powers that are ranked according to their "battle level" on the "KO chart." Wang Da Dong quickly takes new students, Ya Se Wang (Calvin Chen) and Ding Xiao Yu (Aaron Yan), under his wing and the trio become best friends. Meanwhile, former student, Lei Ke Si (Danson Tang), rejoins the class and strange events start to occur that always lead back to Ya Se Wang. Is Lei Ke Si a weakling with good intentions or does he hide a sinister secret? Is evil lurking in their midst?
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