本片是一部改编自真人真事的感人电影,十分适合阖家观赏,父母可藉此向孩子传达正确的信仰态度,和行善助人的观念。剧情叙述一名年方十九的年轻人,由于教会的指派,到一个家乡无人听过的小岛去,但直到与另一处教会人员碰面,才知道自己必须学习当地原住民语言,且要在当地建立新教会。年轻人开始了他在小岛三年的传教生涯,其间不但遇到语言沟通上的阻碍,迫使年轻人必须认真面对,重新了解当地原住民的文化,也碰到过无数次人祸天灾的试炼。最后,年轻人可以回到自己的家乡,但对年轻人来说,这三年与这些原住民的相处,渐渐建立的生活习惯,却永难忘怀。本片的摄影和配乐方面的表现相当好,采光、取景、构图,无一不是经典级的水准,优美的管弦乐旋律加上片中不时出现的原住民曲调歌曲,让观赏者享受视觉和听觉的飨宴,可惜整个剧情太平淡,没有明显的情绪起伏,也让主角的成长无法真的引起观赏者的共鸣。John H. Groberg, a middle class kid from Idaho Falls, crosses the Pacific to become a Mormon missionary in the remote and exotic Tongan island kingdom during the 1950's. He leaves behind a loving family and the true love of his life, Jean. Through letters and musings across the miles, John shares his humbling and sometimes hilarious adventures with "the girl back home", and her letters buoy up his spirits in difficult times. John must struggle to overcome language barriers, physical hardship and deep-rooted suspicion to earn the trust and love of the Tongan people he has come to serve. Throughout his adventure-filled three years on the islands, he discovers friends and wisdom in the most unlikely places. John H. Groberg's Tongan odyssey will change his life forever.
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