这是一部揶揄好莱坞乱相的嘲讽喜剧,也是一部关于倒楣导演遭人作贱的悲惨过程。依据美国电影界的惯例,一部电影拍完后,导演如果不具名,便一律挂名为Alan Smithee,就像中文里(无名氏)的用法,偏偏片中导演的名字就叫做Alan Smithee,而他的运气也不见得太好,夹杂在制片、经纪人、律师、还有三个大牌明星(席维斯史特龙、成龙和琥碧戈柏分饰自己)合演的史上耗资最大钜片「Trio」之间,影片终于完成了……Director Alan Smithee comes to Hollywood to make a movie. Due to a variety of factors, he decides to disown it and direct it under a pseudonym. Unfortunately, the Director's Guild requires that if a director disowns a movie in this fashion, he *must* use the official Director's Guild pseudonym...which happens to be Alan Smithee.
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