
未知 日本  2000  日语 

原名:Quiz   又名:电子情谜

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-28 01:01:23

住在郊外新兴住宅区的高野医师(村井克行 饰),突然收到一封电子邮件。还在上小学的儿子高野生(神木隆之介 饰),遭遇绑架事件。多摩东警察署刑事课长绪泽(生濑胜久 饰)接获绑架通报后,马上命令主任白砂(内藤刚志 饰)潜入高野家进行搜查。警视厅搜查一课管理官莲见(龙雷太 饰)于是安排掳人绑架事件处理专家的桐子薰(财前直见 饰)参与办案。高野家每天都会收到犯人自电脑上所发出的猜谜信件,唯有破解谜题才能找出线索,找出犯人才能顺利的救出人质。犯人到底是谁?   『电子情迷 QUIZ』是在日本播出之后就造成话题的精彩悬疑剧。紧张的剧情,紧凑的节奏,令人百思不解的谜题,喜欢悬疑推理剧的朋友不容错过。A woman's young son is kidnapped and the only clue to his disappearance is a note starting with the words \"This is a quiz.\" What follows is a fast-paced and stylish whodunnit which leads chief investigator Kaoru Kiriko of the Special Investigation Team down a trail of increasingly perplexing riddles that all the while seem to mock the efforts of the police. Street-smart Kaoru may be the kidnapper's intellectual match, but as she gets closer to her mark, she finds herself becoming the hunted rather than the hunter.
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