
原名:在那河畔青草青   又名:Green,Green Grass of Home

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-25 03:08:50

卢大年(钟镇涛饰)因替即将出国的姐姐代课来到内湾,在姐姐安排下住进小学音乐老师陈素云(江玲饰)家的二楼。大年担任四年级忠班的班主任。在班上,他一方面要对付调皮捣蛋出了名的“三剑客”,同时也关心着因父母离婚而性格孤僻的学生周兴旺(郑传文饰)。   陈素云是个文静的姑娘,整日与大年同来同往,互相产生爱慕之情。在内湾,存在着以投毒和电击的方法捕鱼,大年决心根除这种严重破坏大自然生态的捕鱼方法,在内湾小学发起“爱川护鱼”运动,并在内湾地区推广开来。周兴旺的父亲周文(崔福生饰)经常去电鱼,为此,他受到同学嘲弄而离家出走。大年和素云要去找回孩子,最后他们能结合在一起吗?Da-Nian is a young man from Taipei. He goes to a remote village and works as a substitute teacher. He and Su-Yun, another teacher at the school, fall in love. There are several students in his class who are like the naughty "three musketeers", and a sad, silent boy Xiang-Wang, who's parents are divorced. Besides, in order to support the family, Xian-Wang's father kills the fish in the river with electricity, which is against the law and causes a lot of damage to the natural resources. Because of this, Xian-Wang has been teased by other school children. At last, he becomes so upset and runs away from home...
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