
原名:風立ちぬ   又名:风雪黄昏 / 起风了 / Kaze tachinu

状态:正片   更新:2024-03-02 01:03:29

故事发生在1942年夏天,太平洋战争爆发前夕。 水泽先生是日本驻欧洲的外交官,他的女儿节子是个聪明伶俐的女孩。节子和他的朋友竭诚、达郎经常在郊外的家中聚会,慢慢地,节子和达郎在互相的交往中产生了感情。当两个人沐浴在爱的阳光里时,节子却得了肺病。她的父母将节子许配给了他人。节子为了逃避婚事,只身一人来到东京找达郎相救。达郎的父亲因为节子的病而反对两个人在一起,最终节子和达郎用他们对爱的真诚感动了双方的父母。 太平洋战争爆发了。达郎即将征赴战场,为了不让节子伤心,达郎没有告诉节子自己将要出征……The story began in the early summer of 1942 when 'Tatsurou' met 'Setsuko' at Karuizawa. Its love at first sight but sadly 'Setsuko' was pledged to marry a stranger by her parent. She ran away from her hometown and arrived at Tokyo in search of her love one. War erupted then and Tatsurou was summoned to service. As be set foot on a snow-capped mountain before his imminent departure, they promised to each other to press on until they meet again.
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