男主人公被征募到以色列情报局(摩萨德)进行训练,出师之后被派往世界各地执行情报以及间谍活动,与他配合的组员们也一同行动着,而在这些人当中一位迷人的以色列女情报员深深吸引住了男主角,两个人在各种危险的行动中互相产生爱慕,但为了至高无上的国家利益只能默默地不表达,随着最后一次任务的临近这一切开始产生了变化。整部影片真实感极强又不失浪漫,是一部不可多得的谍战大片。At 18, Ariel Brenner leaves Paris and his family to live in Israel. He secretly joins the Mossad, the Isreali secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist... We will assist to the methods, the manipulations, the abuses, the machiavellism, the doubts of secret agents.
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