头文字D 第一季

原名:頭文字D First Stage   又名:Initial D: First Stage

状态:26   更新:2023-09-20 01:09:23

藤原豆腐店的日常业务是,要在每天早晨把新鲜的豆腐送到各家各户,这个任务自然不是由懒惰的老板来做,而是落到了他的儿子——还是高中生的藤原拓海(三木真一郎 配音)身上。驾驶着老爸的旧款车AE86行驶于秋明山上的拓海日积月累练就了一手好车技,不管刮风还是下雨,都能做到不让水杯里的水撒出来不让豆腐变形,且速度极快。于是乎,“秋名山车神”的名号不胫而走,慢慢的吸引了各路赛车高手,想要和拓海一较高下。这其中包括了正式赛车队的天才赛车手高桥启介(关智一 配音)、拥有豪华跑车的中里毅(桧山修之 配音)等人。而拓海只是淡定的接受挑战,展示高超的车技……   本片改编自漫画家重野秀一的同名漫画,可谓飙车题材中的NO.1,自1995年开始连载,还有同名电影版。Takumi Fujiwara is an average 18-year old high school student with an average job as a gas station attendant, and a not-so-average hand in the family business. To help his father's tofu shop, Takumi has been delivering tofu in his father's 'Eight-Six' Trueno (known as the Toyota Corolla GT-S in the US) to a hotel at the peak of Mt. Akina (the local mountain), every night at 4 a.m. In doing so, Takumi has been unknowingly training to be the greatest mountain-pass drift-racer in all of Japan. After a freak late-night encounter with Keisuke Takahashi, the number two driver of the infamous RedSuns team, Takumi is quickly, and unwillingly plunged into a high-speed world of white-knuckle contests on the most dangerous mountain passes in the Gunma prefecture. Assisted by the local Akina Speedstars team, his slightly obnoxious friend Itsuki, his somewhat shady girlfriend Natsuke and the sage-like words of his chain-smoking, ex-racer father Bunta, he'll need all the help he can get to outwit and outmaneuver Japan's most talented underground drift-racers.
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