主角西摩在一個日全蝕的下午,向一個中國商人買了一株怪異的植物,西姆爾暗戀同事奧黛麗,所以取名「奧黛麗二世」。   奧黛麗其實也喜歡西摩,但是自認為配不上他,甘心忍受牙醫男友的百般虐待。西摩發現「奧黛麗二世」吸血的祕密,更駭人的是「奧黛麗二世」會講話,它慫恿西摩去殺牙醫來餵他,但是西摩並沒動手,牙醫就因為吸了太多筒子裡的「笑氣」而自斃。   發現祕密的穆希尼先生想趁機威脅西摩讓出「奧黛麗二世」,自己獨享收益,結果反而落入「奧黛麗二世」的口中。   西摩想解決掉這株怪物,它卻挾持了奧黛麗,最後西摩鼓起勇氣單挑「奧黛麗二世」,並且用電擊殺死了這株飲血植物。Seymour Krelborn is a nerdy orphan working at Mushnik's, a flower shop in urban Skid Row. He harbors a crush on fellow co-worker Audrey Fulquard, and is berated by Mr. Mushnik daily. One day as Seymour is seeking a new mysterious plant, he finds a very mysterious unidentified plant which he calls Audrey II. The plant seems to have a craving for blood and soon begins to sing for his supper. Soon enough, Seymour feeds Audrey's sadistic dentist boyfriend to the plant and later, Mushnik for witnessing the death of Audrey's ex. Will Audrey II take over the world or will Seymour and Audrey defeat it?
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