
原名:Tom And Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes   又名:猫和老鼠与福尔摩斯

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-28 01:01:23

本片讲述了随着钻石的神秘失踪,伦敦警方组织了很多侦探去查找罪犯,汤姆和杰瑞就是一对组合。棘手的案件让这对猫鼠痛苦不堪,只能寻求世界上最棒的侦探的帮助,他就是夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生。Takes place in London, as various jewel heists baffle Scotland Yard, and a beautiful singer named Red gets framed as the culprit. A situation of this magnitude calls for drastic action, and soon the legendary Sherlock Homes hits the beat, with Dr. Watson and Tom and Jerry in tow. But the case grows even more challenging when Tom and Jerry resort to their old crazy tricks and games with one another. Favorite supporting characters from the original Tom and Jerry series also turn up, including Droopy, Butch and Tuffy.
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