
原名:รัก 7 ปี ดี 7 หน   又名:爱无7限(台) / 相约7年情(港) / 七年之爱 / 七年挚爱 / 七年之痒 / Seven Something

状态:高清   更新:2024-01-28 01:01:23

普安是个喜欢分享的时尚少年,喜欢把自己和女友小妙恋爱的生活细节上传到facebook和youtube上,然而普安无意上传的一段小妙唱歌的视频,激增的点击率和虚拟网友的评论让这对少男少女的感情面临网络社交障碍的挑战。情侣搭档强与蛮因出演电影《再见情海》一夜成名,然而闪光灯下的绯闻亦让二人的感情因这部电影而以猜忌和痛苦结束,二人守着彼此曾经的回忆苦苦煎熬,而此时传来了《再见情海》要拍第二部的消息。中年新闻女主播晨练偶遇阳光帅气的马拉松小伙,长跑练习的约定让二人感情日益暧昧,然而丈夫坠机离世的痛苦回忆和姐弟恋年龄差距的道德约束却让女主播对这段感情的选择陷入了深深的挣扎。   该片由三个短片组成,故事内容都围绕7这个数字进行,呈现每隔7年不同人生阶段对爱和人生的理解。Seven Something is a special love movie made to celebrate the glorious film company, GTH's 7th anniversary. Starring Thailand's top stars and Nichkhun, the Asian idol from 2PM, the movie tells various love stories from three generations at different ages: 14, 21 and 42. In the first part, the relationship of a teenage couple is altered by the power of social networking. In the second part, an acting couple's relationship is put to test as fame takes its toll. In the last episode, a 42 year old reporter encounters a tragic loss in her life; when she meets a young marathon runner, her life is changed forever.
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