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状态:35播放   更新:2023-06-04 12:06:14

影片呈现了德国煤电厂能源生产最后几年的光景。影片带领观众踏上一段横跨工业废墟的旅程,这使人想起奥德修斯的船通过塞壬海峡的情景。这是一部跨越山河的奥德赛,这些山河从对未来的期许转变成了反乌托邦,并在地球的生态圈中烙下了永久的印记。Monolithic power plants; billowing columns of smoke; the backdrop of a red sun. Sirens is an experimental short documentary that captures Germany's coal-fired power plants in their final years of generating energy. Shot entirely from helicopters, the film takes us on a journey through industrial wastelands, thus recalling the passage of Ulysses' boat through the Sirens' strait. An odyssey through the dystopian industrial world that has left a permanent mark on earth's ecosphere.
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