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原名:ようこそ、わが家へ   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-29 09:02:29

仓田太一(寺尾聪 饰)和仓田珪子(南果步 饰)结婚多年,两人膝下育有一双儿女健太(相叶雅纪 饰)和七菜(有村架纯 饰),四人生活在位于郊外的大房子里,生活平淡之中亦有幸福。健太和父亲太一的性格很像,两人都唯唯诺诺,害怕与人产生纠纷,与他人意见相左时,健太总是选择忍气吞声。健太十分讨厌自己的性格,连带着亦对父亲充满了抱怨,父子两人之间的关系并不能说是融洽。   某日,健太制止了一位男子的插队行为,让他没有想到的是,噩梦就此开始,他不仅被人跟踪,房间里甚至不知什么时候被装上了窃听器。与此同时,妹妹被前男友不断骚扰,父亲亦在公司惹上了麻烦,一家人平静的生活荡起了涟漪。Kurata Kenta lives with his father, Taichi, his mother, Keiko, and his younger sister, Nana in an isolated home in the suburbs. He works as an unpopular commercial designer. Kurata Kenta possesses a timid personality, which he picked up from his father. Kenta doesn't like his father. One day, while waiting for the train, Kenta warns a man who pushed a woman and cut in line. Kenta is surprised that he spoke out with his normally timid personality. After that incident, Kenta's family home is targeted by an unknown person with flowers from their garden being pulled out and the seat of a bicycle being torn. Also, Kenta's younger sister Nana is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Kenta and his family try to find out who is responsible. This mini series is based on the novel "Yokoso Wagaya e" by Jun Ikeido.
欢迎来我家 (全10集字幕合集-繁体字幕)ようこそ、わが家へ Youkoso Wagayae.2015.zip

资源名:欢迎来我家 (全10集字幕合集-繁体字幕)ようこそ、わが家へ Youkoso Wagayae.2015.zip




