
原名:雨打芭蕉   又名:160 Years Old

状态:287播放   更新:2023-06-03 07:06:22

无法治愈自身顽疾的医生父亲、四处求教命运困惑的教授母亲、迷惘却又早熟的儿子、蓦然出走的硕大陆龟、离世不久却挥之不去的多情爷爷、一直读不完《老人与海》的蕉农叔叔、终身不嫁的小姨、被小姨视作仇敌的无情船长外公、一直远在菲律宾不愿回国的舅舅,还有一个未出世的婴孩……夏去秋来,代际失序,婚丧嫁娶,物是人非。一座东南沿海超级都会、一个中产知识分子大家庭、一场旷日持久的湿热夏季、一出与故障空调的反复争斗、一次学术欢迎晚宴、一次家族寿辰聚会和一次回乡之旅搅动起的杯中风暴,这些人物和关于他们的细节,彼此盘绕,明暗并行。A father who cannot cure his own stubborn illness, a professor mother who struggles with existential questions, a son who is confused and precocious, a giant tortoise that suddenly leaves, and a sentimental grandfather who passed away. The uncle cannot finish reading THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA. The aunt won't get married. The grandfather is his own daughter's enemy. The uncle does not want to return from the Philippines. And an unborn child. Summer goes, and autumn comes. Things remain, but people change.
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