
原名:009-1   又名:009-1霹雳娇娃 / 009ノ1

状态:完结   更新:2023-09-18 11:09:10

东西冷战了170年后的未来,世界被分为东部和西部二个对立面。经常互相对峙,处于极度的紧张状态。在那样的状况中,设立了秘密谍报组织“Zero zero机关”,组织以00号码称呼着间谍部队中的人工控制机械人。   主人公ミレーヌ·ホフマン 属于00号码间谍“9小组”的女性人工控制机械人。代号009-1的她美丽的身体中包藏着许多秘密兵器,并赌上性命进行着谍报活动。In an alternate reality, the Cold War never ended and has continued on for 140 years. As a result, the world we knew was divided into two factions: the West Block, and the East Block. As the War proceeds, the tension between the two factions, as well as the amount of nuclear weapons they have, rise higher and higher. Mylene Hoffman/009-1 is a beautiful female cyborg who is a spy for the West Block. With her highly developed fitness skills with a cyborg body surpassing an average woman, Mylene takes action in various missions issued by her superiors.
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