
原名:Five Days One Summer   又名:

状态:9播放   更新:2023-08-21 01:08:18

中年已婚的道格拉斯医生(肖恩·康纳利饰)和他的侄女/情妇来到20世纪30年代的瑞士,参加一个高山攀登的假期。似乎道格拉斯博士和他的侄女凯特(贝特西·布兰特利饰)已经有一段时间的婚外情了,但是他们俩从来没有公开过他们的关系,因为这会让这个家庭蒙羞。道格拉斯开始意识到这段关系没有未来,但他自私地试图不顾一切地抓住他年轻的爱人。当年轻英俊的山地向导约翰(兰伯特·威尔逊饰)出现在现场,凯特立刻被迷住了,事情就变得复杂起来。Douglas Meredith (Sir Sean Connery) is a respectable married middle aged doctor with a terrible secret. He's been having a secret consensual incestuous affair with his niece Kate (Betsy Brantley) for some time now. She lives in the Swiss Alps and they have their badly needed privacy there. One day, Swiss guide Johann Biari (Lambert Wilson) shows up to take them mountain climbing. Kate shows a faint interest in this man, which worries Douglas. During the climb an accident happens and their lives are changed forever.
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