特工女王 第一季

原名:Queen Sono Season 1   又名:特务女王(港/台)

状态:第06集   更新:2023-08-21 12:08:20

在母亲被暗杀后,奎恩·索诺成长为一名出色而与众不同的间谍,尽心尽力保护非洲人民。在一次危险的实地任务中,奎恩无意中发现了母亲死亡的惊人细节,于是开始了自己的真相寻找之路。Queen Sono is an adult orphan who finds her purpose working for a spy agency dedicated to protecting the entire African continent. Queen's loyalties are tested once she finds suspicious information about the assassination of her mother, a late political activist. To make matters worse, Queen must also get to the bottom of a rising terrorist conspiracy threatening all of Africa.
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